60-Second Brand Strategist: Brand Simplicity

Brand Strategy

There’s one thing all customers across all segments including b2b and b2c want, and that’s simplicity. This makes total sense. Our digital life is overwhelming and our brains don’t have the ability to handle the chaos. So our quest for simplicity keeps us focused on what matters.

Our experience of it shapes everything we choose and reject. Early on, Apple made this minimalist power move. They decided for the most part not to do social media. Their brand rejected distractions in order to streamline simplicity to the maximum extent possible and guess what? People pay more for this.

Because our brains aren’t equipped to handle the chaos, we crave solutions in a seamless, totally simplistic way. I don’t just mean uncluttered design, but seamlessness through and through. If your brain can’t deliver on simplicity, people won’t believe your product will.


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